After analyzing the 4 introductory macro dynamics, let’s get into what is the core of the matter, that is the analysis of the fundamental parameters to define the defensive strategy.
We will also analyze which are the main problems we will have to face related with the Home Defense, then we can evaluate the type of firearm, the caliber and type of ammunition to be used
( PART 3 ) .
THE 4 FUNDAMENTAL ZONES ( Pictures 2 – 3 )
Whenever we have to plan, analyze or create dynamics that have a specific goal, the first thing we have to do is always to break down the elements into sub-sets. This is a principle that I have learned to apply since I started studying Risk Analysis and that I have continued to apply daily in my work, during every single assignment planning, what is commonly called Mission Planning.
Having to create our home defense strategy, let’s start with creating 4 incremental Zones by dividing our overall area of ​​interest into 4 sub-zones. In this way we will be able to analyze and plan each dynamic with greater precision and detail, not only that, we will treat each area individually by analyzing its structural, functional or strategic criticalities and we will identify the advantages and disadvantages of each single element present in that area.
By analyzing each area individually we will also be able to understand the report between the level of criticality and what could be the costs to structure the appropriate security measures, thus optimizing the budget according to the correct priorities.
The division of the area into sub-zones follows an incremental principle in the external-internal report, starting from the security measures to the countermeasures that we will adopt in case of a critical event relating to an intrusion.
ZONE 1 will therefore be the external area and will end with the perimeter of our home.
ZONE 2 will consist of the areas of the house with the exception of the sleeping area where the bedrooms are located.
ZONE 3 will therefore be made up of the sleeping area and the threshold, the door, the stairs or any other element that divides the rest of the house from the sleeping area, will be for us the fatal threshold, “the point of no return”.
The fourth sub-zone is what is called BUBBLE and is represented by our bedroom, if there are more people in the same house who occupy more bedrooms, each must be considered a sub BUBBLE
The fundamental thing to understand is that regardless of who occupies the other bedrooms, BUBBLE 1 is always the one from which we expect to start the “Reaction” to the critical event.
Obviously the sooner we are able to detect and track an intruder or an attempted intrusion, the more time we have available to evaluate, rationalize and react effectively.
If, on the other hand, the contact or the intruder is detected only when it is in ZONE 3 or inside the BUBBLE 1, the evaluation/reaction times drop drastically and the risk increases exponentially.
Today the market offers a very wide range of anti-intrusion systems and security technologies of all kinds, in terms of applications and costs.
The security measures that we can adopt to detect an intrusion attempt or to prevent it are basically divided into two types: PASSIVE AND ACTIVE.
PASSIVE measurements are all those systems, sensors, barriers, cameras, which detect a presence, a movement, a noise, any alteration of the parameters set in the system setting and which react in an integrated way according to the function they have.
They are defined passive systems because none of them is able to physically prevent or block the intrusion of a subject into our house.
ACTIVE measures are all those measures such as bars, gates, armored doors, fences, barbed wire, fortified rooms, fog or gas generator systems, all those measures that are able to physically prevent or block the intrusion of a subject into our house.
Having an anti-intrusion system mainly based on passive measures, can only be valid if you are sure of extremely rapid response times by the police. If, on the other hand, we are talking about an isolated area or where intervention times are much longer or not even definable, I do not recommend basing the system only on passive measures.
The right combination between the two types of measures, compared to the analysis of the 4 fundamental dynamics and the definition of the 4 Zones, should lead us to reach the 3 strategic objectives on which we should base our defensive line.
1) Detect the presence of an intruder or an attempted intrusion as soon as possible and in the most peripheral area
2) Gain as much time as possible to activate direct counter measures, manage BUBBLES and alert the police while maybe you are monitoring the ZONES through video images in real time.
3) If possible, mechanically prevent the intrusion from ZONE 3 to ZONE 2, if not possible limit it and contain it in ZONE 2.
A fundamental parameter to take into consideration is the actual average time, necessary for the police or medical assistance, to be able to intervene at our home.This tells us the time in which we will have to resist in the event of an intrusion, the time in which we will be alone to face the threat and any other emergency, including the medical one.
The analysis of the 4 fundamental dynamics will give us a projection of which could be the actual intervention time.
Be realistic in your estimates and if you have a variable, always plan for the worst case scenario.
With micro ballistic environment, we are going to define the characteristics in terms of ballistic interaction that our environment (HOUSE) has and we will do it for each single zone, obviously giving as absolute priority zone 3 and the relative Bubble or Bubbles present.
This is also one of the main discriminant in the choice of the kind of firearm, caliber and type of ammunition to be used.
The two main critical dynamics that we will have to face at a ballistic level are accidental or collateral penetration and rebounds in an internal – internal or internal- external report.
Obviously, if we live in an isolated area with a low population density, the risk of an internal-external collateral for accidental or collateral penetration is very low or it’s none .
If on the other hand, we live in an area with a high population density, perhaps in a building or condominium, we must also consider the concrete risk of an internal-external potential collateral.
The type of walls that make up zone 3 and the location of the rooms (bubbles) are crucial to understand which of the two critical dynamics (penetration or rebound) is present or prevalent.
For example, if we have walls of wood, plasterboard or material that we know do not have ballistic containment in the sleeping area or to separate the various bedrooms and we do not live alone, the problem of accidental or collateral penetration is a priority problem.
If on the other hand our walls are made by reinforced concrete, if we have load-bearing walls or rock walls as extremely common in rural houses in Europe, the main problem could be the rebound.
Having said that, we must add that every internal door usually made of wood is a critical point related to the high risk of unintentional or collateral penetration related with the
internal-internal report, as every window is a critical point for the same reasons but related with the internal-external report, unless it is a question of doors or windows that have a ballistic containment .

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